Download and install Google Chrome
Install Chrome offline. If you have issues when you download Chrome on your Windows computer, use the alternate link to download Chrome on a different computer. On your computer, download a Chrome installerfor a different computer. At the bottom of the page, under “Chrome Family,” select Other Platforms.
Download and install Google Chrome
Fix problems with Chrome. Try uninstalling Chrome and reinstalling it to fix problems with your search engine, pop-ups or Chrome updates. Fix problems installing Google Chrome; Fix 'Aw, Snap!' page crashes and other page loading errors; Fix issues with Chrome on Wayland. Chrome on Linux now supports Wayland along with X11.
Google Chrome Help
Official Google Chrome Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Chrome and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Download and install Google Chrome
Get Google Chrome. Download Chrome for Android phones and tablets. Chrome is available on phones and tablets running Android 8.0 (Oreo) and up. Install Chrome. On your Android device, go to Google Chrome. Tap Download Chrome Install. To start browsing, tap Open. You can also find Chrome on your Home screen or in "All Apps." To open, tap Chrome.
Download and install Google Chrome
You can download and install the Chrome web browser at no charge, and use it to browse the web. Get Google Chrome Download Chrome for Android phones and tablets.
Pobieranie i instalowanie Google Chrome
W wyświetlonym oknie znajdź Chrome . Przeciągnij Chrome do folderu Programy. Może pojawić się prośba o podanie hasła administratora. Jeśli go nie znasz, przeciągnij Chrome w takie miejsce na komputerze, gdzie możesz wprowadzać zmiany, np. na pulpit. Otwórz Chrome. Otwórz Finder. Na pasku bocznym, na prawo od Google Chrome, kliknij ...
Update Google Chrome - Computer - Google Chrome Help
On your computer, open Chrome. At the top right, select More Help About Google Chrome. Select Relaunch. If you can't find the “Relaunch” option, you're on the latest version. Tip: The browser saves your opened tabs and windows and reopens them automatically when it restarts. Your Incognito windows won't reopen when Chrome restarts.
Browse in Incognito mode - Computer - Google Chrome Help
You can switch between Incognito tabs and regular Chrome tabs. On your computer, open Chrome. At the top right, select More New Incognito window. A new window opens. On the right of the address bar, you’ll find the Incognito icon . To open an Incognito window, you can use a keyboard shortcut: Windows, Linux, or Chrome OS: Press Ctrl + Shift + n.
Make Chrome your default browser - Computer - Google Help
Under "Set defaults for applications," enter Chrome into the search box click Google Chrome. At the top, next to "Make Google Chrome your default browser," click Set default. To make sure the change applied to the correct file types, review the list below the "Set default" button. To exit, close the settings window.
google chrome download - Microsoft Community
The only way to download Google Chrome for Windows 10 is through the link below. https://www.google.com ...