Sophos Endpoint powered by Intercept X
Sophos Endpoint powered by Intercept X delivers unparalleled protection, stopping advanced attacks before they impact your systems. Powerful endpoint and extended detection and response (EDR/XDR) tools let your organization hunt for, investigate, and respond to suspicious activity and indicators of an attack.
Tech Specs - Sophos Endpoint powered by Intercept X with XDR …
Sophos Endpoint powered by Intercept X delivers unparalleled protection against advanced attacks. Benefit from comprehensive detection and response capabilities with an upgrade to Sophos XDR, or free up your staff with Sophos MDR, our 24/7 managed security service.
Endpoint Security Solutions from Sophos
Advanced endpoint security solutions with Sophos Endpoint’s XDR and EDR capabilities. Manage and secure all endpoints from a single dashboard with Sophos Endpoint powered by Intercept X.
Sophos Intercept X - Endpoint Detection and Response
Sophos XDR ensures you don’t waste time on incidents that should have been stopped in the first place. Sophos Endpoint with XDR combines the industry’s best endpoint and server protection …
Free Trial Sophos Endpoint powered by Intercept X
With Sophos Endpoint, you can: Access endpoint security that stops the broadest range of threats before they impact your systems and allows you to hunt, investigate, and respond to …
Intercept X for Mobile | Sophos
Stops mobile specific threats missed by mobile app stores: Blocks malware and ransomware, including potentially unwanted applications (PUA) Leverages our market leading Intercept X deep learning engine
Sophos Endpoint | Sophos
Sophos Intercept X Endpoint bietet einzigartigen Schutz und verhindert komplexe Angriffe, bevor sie Ihre Systeme beeinträchtigen. Leistungsstarke EDR- und XDR-Tools (Endpoint/Extended Detection and Response) ermöglichen eine gezielte Suche und Analyse verdächtiger Aktivitäten und Angriffsindikatoren, damit Sie schnellstmöglich reagieren ...
Sophos Endpoint | Sophos
Sophos Intercept X Endpoint proporciona una protección inigualable, ya que detiene los ataques avanzados antes de que afecten a sus sistemas. Las potentes herramientas de detección y respuesta para endpoints y de detección y respuesta ampliadas (EDR/XDR) permiten a su organización buscar, investigar y responder a actividades sospechosas e ...
Sophos Endpoint | Sophos
Sophos Intercept X Endpoint は最強の保護機能を提供し、高度な攻撃がシステムに影響を及ぼす前に阻止します。 強力な EDR/XDR (endpoint and extended detection and response) のツールを使って、組織は疑わしいアクティビティや攻撃の兆候を追跡、調査し、対応できます。
Ransomware Attack Protection with Sophos Intercept X
Sophos Intercept X Proactively Secures Endpoints from Ransomware Attacks and Malicious Exploits with Advanced Deep Learning, XDR and Simplified Management.