J = J Style, K = K Style, CD = Chevron Drainable, C = Chevron, D = Drainable << Back to STATIONARY LOUVERS AP = Air Performance, WP = Water Penetration EXTRUDED ALUMINUM - SIGHTPROOF Model Name Depth (in) Blade Style Blade Thickness (in) Frame Thickness (in) AMCA Licensed Ratings Free Area - 4’ x …
The free area of a louver is defined as the total louver face area, minus the airflow restrictions (blades and frame) through which air can freely pass within the openings. Free area is a major determinant of a louver’s performance capabilities. The goal is to allow as much air as possible to pass through the louver while keeping
Greenheck louvers are available in endless standard configurations. Manufactured of extruded or formed aluminum, each meets or exceeds the industry’s most stringent test performance standards and provides exceptional aesthetic appeal.
eCAPS® includes online fan, louver, make-up air, energy recovery, and dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS) selections, as well as damper, grille, register, diffuser, and air terminal unit selection guides, and a toolbox.
Depending on the louver type, application and configuration Greenheck recommends sizing conventional intake louvers at or around 75% of the products capacity with the capacity defined as the “Beginning Point of Water Penetration”.
Greenheck model EAD-635 offers the highest air intake volume capacity in its class due to the combination of extremely high free area and high velocity at Beginning Point of Water Penetration (BPWP). As a result you may design your applications with fewer louvers when compared to competitor equivalent products. Fewer louvers will
depending on louver application (air intake or air exhaust). Free area velocities (shown) are higher than average velocity through the overall louver size. See louver selection information. (Test Figure 5.5-6.5) The AMCA Water Penetration Test provides a method for comparing various louver models and designs as to their efficiency in resisting
Greenheck Fan Corporation certifies that the EHH-501 louvers shown herein are licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 511 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to *Water
Performance of 48 in. x 48 in. (1219 mm x 1219 mm) Louver Structural reinforcing members may be required to adequately support and install multiple louver sections within a large opening.