Alan Keane | The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki | Fandom
Alan Keane is a supporting character in The Amazing World of Gumball. He is a friendly teal balloon who attends Elmore Junior High. He is also Carmen's boyfriend. Alan is a slightly deflated, teal-colored rubber balloon, whose face is drawn on with black permanent marker ink. In season 2 onwards, his design changes very little. Alan has slightly more round/oval-shaped eyes than his …
Alan Keane/Relationships - The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki
These are the relationships Alan has with the other characters in the show. In "The Traitor," Alan and Dexter give Jessica a good day before her operation. Alan really cares about his mother, Jessica, as shown in "The Traitor." At one point he does not go to Gumball's house because Jessica needed him. Jessica was having a flatulum transplant and could not find a compatible donor, so Alan ...
Alan Keane/Gallery - The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki
The gallery for Season 3 images of Alan Keane can be found here. Season 4 [] The gallery for Season 4 images of Alan Keane can be found here. Season 5 [] The gallery for Season 5 images of Alan Keane can be found here. Season 6 [] The gallery for Season 6 images of Alan Keane can be found here. Darwin's Yearbook [] "Teachers" []
The Vision | The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki | Fandom
Alan Keane's New Vision [All laugh. But as Gumball and Darwin exit off-screen, Alan stops laughing. He turns on a library computer and types:] Alan : "MY NEW VISION." [He types "by Alan Keane"] Alan : [Back to his deep Southern voice] "A manifesto on how to forcibly seize power and eradicate sadness across the globe." [He laughs evilly.
Alan Keane - Gumball Wiki | Fandom
Alan Keane (ur. 30 stycznia 1999 roku) – balon i szkolny kolega Gumballa. Stanowi szkolną parę z Carmen. Alan jest balonem koloru morskiego. Unosi się w powietrzu. Jego twarz jest narysowana czarnym flamastrem. W sezonie drugim jego wygląd ulega zmianie: kolor morski staje się kolorem błękitnym…
Alan Keane | The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki | Fandom
Alan Keane adalah karakter pendukung di serial The Amazing World of Gumball. Dia adalah balon tiil bernada tinggi ramah berusia dua belas tahun yang bersekolah di Elmore Junior High. Dia saat ini berkencan dengan Carmen. Alan adalah balon berwarna yang agak kempes, yang wajahnya digambar dengan tinta spidol permanen hitam. Pada Musim 2 dan seterusnya, desainnya berubah sangat sedikit. Alan ...
Alan Keane
Alan Keane is a supporting character in The Amazing World of Gumball. He is a friendly teal balloon who attends Elmore Junior High. He is also Carmen's boyfriend. Alan is a slightly deflated, teal-colored rubber balloon, whose face is drawn on with black permanent marker ink. In …
Alan Keane/Quotes - The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki
Alan Keane/Quotes < Alan Keane. View source History Purge Talk (0) “ A broken heart is like a mirror. ... —Alan watching the clown turn his parents into balloon animals because Gumball sold them, from "The Saint" “ The secret is to stay positive. You know, Gumball, when a man says "yes" to life, life says "yes" to him. ...
Alan Keane/Gallery/Season 3 - The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki
Alan Keane/Gallery/Season 3 < Alan Keane | Gallery. View source History Talk (0) Categories Categories: Galleries; Character Galleries; Season Three; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. More Fandoms Fantasy; The Amazing World of Gumball; ...
Keane family | The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki | Fandom
The Keane family refers to a family that lives in Elmore. The members of the family consist of balloons. Dexter Jessica Alan Uncle Phil Relatives Uncle Phil is the only known member of the Keane family to be a foil balloon. The rest are rubber balloons.