Books Presented to President – has officially opened at the National Library of Belarus today, and the opening ceremony ...
Removing trade barriers within the CIS became one of the main topics for discussion during the CIS Economic Council in Moscow today – as ...
Javier Colomina, the Acting Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy and the NATO Secretary General’s ...
The African market is open to Belarusian products and technology – as stated by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of ...
NASA will launch a spacecraft to Jupiter’s moon Europa in October 2024 to look for evidence of conditions that could support life, TASS ...
American entrepreneur Elon Musk believes that censorship reigns everywhere in the United States, RIA Novosti reports Photo: ...
Election observation and evaluation of their results are now becoming instruments of political pressure on particular countries from a ...
China called on the United States of America to immediately stop arming Taiwan, RIA Novosti reports ...
The implementation of any aggressive scenarios against Belarus is fraught with harmful consequences for Ukraine and its sponsors – as ...
The implementation of the Osvey project will contribute to ensuring the technological sovereignty of Belarus and Russia – as noted by ...
GameSpot posted an almost half-hour gameplay video of the Silent Hill 2 remake, and the first minutes of the game are available, the ...
Amid a surge in demand for electricity, the United States plans to launch some of the 13 nuclear power plant reactors shut down over the ...