'Among IKEA's vast collection, there is one specific armchair considered the company's holy grail, and that is Bengt Ruda's ...
Here’s how you can help those in need this winter.
As hinted by in the name, the 5 Senses Cleaning Method focuses on sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. The idea is that you ...
To keep costs down, I designed the extension to use three existing walls – two on the house and one on the garage. This meant ...
The main reason you don't want to skip misting in winter is because when it's chilly outside, we usually crank up the central ...
‘People who maintain clean bathrooms make it a daily habit to wipe down all surfaces, including counters, sinks, mirrors, and ...
If you're wondering how efficient your boiler is, be sure to look out for the telltale signs it has low pressure, like your ...
I’ve now renovated four kitchens with lots of hard, and often expensive, lessons learnt along the way. Kitchens and bathrooms ...
A wraparound extension is a convenient way to make a home bigger. Wrapping around the building on two sides, building an ...
Creating a clutter-free space can feel overwhelming, which is why so many of us repeatedly put this task off. If decluttering ...
According to Caroline Mills head of interior design at Zulufish, wabi-style bathrooms are ideal for those who love modern ...
Decluttering expert Hayley Forster from Simple Joy explains, ‘The reverse wardrobe hanger method involves turning all of your ...