die Einordnung von Forschungs- und Innovationsideen mit Bezug zu Cluster 4, Destination 5, die Identifikation von alternativen Fördermöglichkeiten mit Raumfahrtbezug insbesondere in Horizont Europa, ...
In dem 2023-2024 Arbeitsprogramm für Cluster 4 (Digitalisierung, Industrie und Raumfahrt) der 2. Säule (Globale Herausforderungen und industrielle Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Europas) gibt es keine offenen ...
Once the sensors have been calibrated and the data analysis methodologies and derived environmental parameter validated, earth observation makes possible quantitative statements about a number of our ...
This group is a contact for designing, adapting and integrating optoelectronic equipment in aircraft and for operating it on board during flight experiments and campaigns. It coordinates the user ...
The group is responsible for calibrating optical spectrometer systems at the Earth Observation Center (EOC). Calibration of the institute's own imaging and non-imaging spectrometers including the ...
Die The quality of inhaled air plays a large role in the health of the population. One possibility for determining the spatial and temporal distribution of relevant pollutants is by systematically ...
Satelliten beobachten unsere Erde und liefern seit vielen Jahren verlässliche Daten über den Zustand unseres Planeten. Dies ist die wissenschaftliche Grundlage im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel. Für die ...
The open source optimisation framework FlexiGIS developed at the Institute of Networked Energy Systems can be used to map and model the individual conditions of urban energy systems. FlexiGIS ...
The sci2grid models of the Institute of Networked Energy Systems contain information on the European electricity and gas transport network. They make meaningful and consistent data network models ...
Mit dem am Institut für Vernetzte Energiesysteme entwickelten Open-Source-Optimierungsframework FlexiGIS können die individuellen Gegebenheiten urbaner Energiesysteme abgebildet und modelliert werden.
The “Hyperspectral Remote Sensing” team provides methods and products for optical imaging sensors on satellites and aircrafts. In the area of spaceborne missions, operational fully-automated systems ...
The Imaging Spectroscopy department of the Remote Sensing Technology Institute develops, tests and operates systems for remote sensing in the optical and infrared ...