All programming assignments in this class require Python 3.10 or Python 3.11. There are two options for programming homeworks: you could install Python 3.11 and work ...
The exact topics of the lectures are subject to change. We do not anticipate changing any of the other dates (exams, assignments, etc.) To watch the lecture videos, sign in to YouTube using your ...
The Hubbard Professional Mark Super VII is the most sophisticated and expensive e-meter yet developed by the Church of Scientology. Its retail price in 1995 was US $3,850. It is the standard e-meter ...
The NyquistIDE program combines many helpful functions and interfaces to help you get the most out of Nyquist. NyquistIDE is implemented in Java, and you will need the Java runtime system or ...
This is Graham Neubig's lab at the Language Technologies Institute of Carnegie Mellon University. We do research on natural language processing and machine learning, specifically machine translation, ...
Miaomiao Wen, Diyi Yang and Carolyn Penstein Rose. Linguistic Reflections of Student Engagement in Massive Open Online Courses. ICWSM'14, 2014(Oral Paper, fulltext). Miaomiao Wen and Carolyn Penstein ...
I am a final year Ph.D. student in the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Dr. Maxim Likhachev. My general research interests span Artificial Intelligence (AI), Perception, ...
15-451/651 is an advanced undergraduate/masters algorithms class. We cover fundamental algorithmic modeling techniques (e.g. dynamic programming, graphs, network flows, linear programming), advanced ...
Symbolic logic is fundamental to computer science, providing a foundation for the theory of programming languages, the theory of databases, AI, knowledge representation, automated reasoning, and ...
The object of this project is to gather sensor data like accelerometer and gyroscope readings from smart devices under different conditions. We plan to analyze the collected data to characterize the ...
Important note: To simultaneously accommodate in-person and zoom office hours, students should sign up for a 15-min slot beforehand for office hours. The scheduling will be on a first-come-first-serve ...
I am a postdoctoral fellow at Carnegie Mellon University. I was awarded a PhD from CMU's Machine Learning Department in December 2010. I am interested in machine learning techniques for structured ...