Tom Wesner, CEO of Rose Acre Farms in Jackson County, had to depopulate more than 2.6 million birds after a bird flu outbreak a month ago. He told the committee more needs to be done to combat the ...
It’s been a month now since a Rose Acre Farms egg production facility in Jackson County was hit with Bird Flu—leading to the ...
Deaths of 18 Canadian geese and one sandhill crane in Bartholomew County are suspected to have been caused by the highly ...
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources continues to detect highly pathogenic avian influenza aka HPAI in wild birds ...
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources continues to detect highly pathogenic avian influenza aka HPAI in wild birds ...
The White House laid the groundwork Wednesday to try to stop the bird flu outbreak across the country and its ... Wesner is ...
Speaking on behalf of both organizations to the U.S. Senate agriculture committee, Tony Wesner explains the severity of the ...
The Indiana DNR said HPAI is also suspected in an additional 32 counties based on reports involving the deaths of raptors, ...
Indiana animal health officials add a ninth Jay County bird farm to quarantine due to avian influenza. Over 2.8 million chickens have died or been killed to prevent the virus's spread.
State officials ask that you report sick or dead birds to the Department of Natural Resources, but make sure not to touch sick or dead birds.