Just about every other spot in that part of downtown San Diego had been taken ahead of a prayer vigil that would fill St.
The deal to sell California to Denmark means the Golden State would get “the rule of law, universal healthcare, and ...
Rob Halford almost died at his final gig as Judas Priest vocalist on August 19, 1991 – and not because the other four members gave him a severe kicking when they’d learned of his decision to quit ...
Spanish auteur Luis Buñuel helped shape the language of cinema with his now-iconic surrealist reveries, so it’s only fitting that the re-release of one of his most beloved films lands in a time of ...
Spencer Reece’s intimate reading invited a diverse Dartmouth community to connect with his honest poetic examination of faith ...
The subtitle of the book is a series of unfriendly characterizations: “The Cult of Dark Money, Human Trafficking, and ...
Simona Pettinato is among those who have gathered near the Gemelli Hospital to show their support for Pope Francis. “Prayer ...
The Observatory for Religious Freedom and Conscience is calling on Spain’s Ministry of the Interior to strengthen security at ...
Blessed José Gregorio Hernández is known at the ‘doctor of the poor.’ Also to be canonized: Blessed Bartolo Longo. Additional ...
Francis approved the canonization of two Venezuelan and Italian laymen who died in the early 20th century, while authorizing the first steps towards sainthood for three 19th century priests from Spain ...
While attending St. Carthage School in his native Chicago as a sixth grader in 1958, Wilton Gregory was inspired to become ...
TYLER – Bishop Greg Kelly, who was first ordained as a priest in Dallas in 1982 and who has pastored churches across North ...