Questions surrounding the funding of Bibles for Oklahoma schools. Why the OSDE's request was not considered by a Senate ...
State leadership is trying to quickly push a bill through that would create further changes in the State Board of Education ...
The Oklahoma State Department of Education is investigating a teacher after a video showed a foster child outside in freezing ...
The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) is facing new legal challenges over its latest proposal seeking to integrate Bible lessons into public elementary school social studies classes.
The Oklahoma State Department of Education is looking to pay for a supplier for Bible lessons for elementary students.
According to the foster child’s biological mother’s attorney, the child is no longer staying at the house and was moved in ...
Oklahoma lawmakers have said no to funding the Bibles in state schools despite the push for months by Walters and the Oklahoma State Department of Education. That request by Walters was for millions ...
On Monday, the Oklahoma State Department of Education announced the adoption of the nation's first 3-Dimensional Aeronautic ...
Plaintiffs in the Rev. Lori Walke v. Ryan Walters lawsuit are encouraging the Oklahoma Supreme Court to block Walter's request for Bible's and Bible-infused ins ...
The proposed social studies standards passed with one "nay" vote marking the first time an education board member has voted ...
In a new request for proposal submitted Friday, state Superintendent Ryan Walters is looking to purchase Bibles for ...
State leadership is trying to quickly push a bill through that would create further changes in the State Board of Education (OSDE).