Suppressing sexual urges can build up frustration and also aggravate anxiety or irritability,” one expert said.
The Duke team performed the world’s first living mitral valve replacement, a type of partial heart transplant, which Duke pioneered in 2022.
Without Medicaid, Curt Wolff said he doesn't have the money to pay for the services he needs. Now, Wolff and other Coloradans ...
Going to Mass and receiving Communion are signs of putting one's trust in God and understanding he is the one who gives the ...
On this week's season finale episode of "Doc," a mass casualty event requires all hands on deck at Westside Hospital.
The system is the nexus of campus life. From their sophomore to senior years, students live, eat, and study in one of 12 “Houses.” ...
Tracy Morgan may be a comedian, but he’s had more than his fair share of somber life experiences. On Monday night, the actor appeared to fall ill during the third quarter of a basketball game between ...
Miss Baker the monkeynaut was a celebrity during her years at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center. She was brought to Huntsville by Ed Buckbee, director of the center.
Natalie 'Nadya' Suleman welcomed octuplets 16 years ago and became infamous as the Octomom. Now the mother of 14 children opens up about her family life today and how they made ends meet ...
Qatar’s manmade island development blends Middle Eastern and European styles to create a successful coastal community that attracts residents and curious daytrippers.
Gregory Floyd is known to Catholic readers for his powerful, bestselling book: A Grief Unveiled: One Father’s Journey Through the Death of a Child, a memoir about maintaining faith in the aftermath of ...
The normally torturous New York City traffic was light. Every stop light turned green as they motored on in silence. The hardest day of Aaron Baltaytis life couldn’t have started any easier. At 4 a.m.