The animated series introduces a branched timeline, reimagining Peter Parker’s origin while weaving in key MCU references.
The latest Marvel Animation effort hones in on a new version of the web-slinger albeit without spending too much time recounting familiar events.
Renowned filmmaker Martin Scorsese once described Marvel films as “theme park movies,” suggesting they offer a different ...
Explore MCU's top-grossing films ahead of Captain America's new release. Avengers: Endgame leads at $2.7B, followed by Spider-Man & Black Panther hits.
Was Tom Cruise the safer bet, or would the MCU have lacked the heart and complexity that Robert Downey Jr. brought to the ...
The wall-crawler's latest animated outing has some fun moments and well-written characters, but ultimately shies away from ...
Here's what you need to know to keep the Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man canon straight -- and how it lines up with the MCU.
Avengers: Doomsday is coming sooner than you think, and I've found the Marvel comic you need to read first before seeing the new MCU movie.
Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Hudson Thames) and Harry Osborn (Zeno Robinson) in Marvel Animation's YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD ...
(Fourth from Left-R) Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Hudson Thames) and Harry Osborn (Zeno Robinson) in Marvel Animation’s YOUR ...
Anthony Mackie , who first joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Sam Wilson in The Winter Soldier , has risen to take on ...
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is exclusive to Disney+, so you’ll need a subscription to stream the new show. Luckily, ...