Pradeep Kumar Jha on Monday said there are more women electors in the state than men. According to the final electoral rolls, out of 20,54,387 voters in the state, 10,61,979 are women, 9,92,140 men, ...
Security forces were conducting random checking and frisking at Khuga in Matta village when two persons driving a ...
Security forces in Manipur intercepted a large consignment of contraband drugs worth over Rs 75 lakhs in the international ...
Security forces arrested two persons after they were found carrying illegal drugs including brown sugar in a four-wheeler in Manipur’s Churachandpur district, police said on Monday. Security forces ...
Security forces arrested two individuals in Manipur's Churachandpur district for transporting illegal drugs in a four-wheeler. A random search revealed 776 gm of brown sugar and 537 Yaba tablets.
Security forces arrested two individuals in possession of suspected WY tablets and brown sugar during a vehicle check in ...
Manipur police crack down on crime with arrests in Kakching and Churachandpur. Security measures enhanced across the state.
In a series of joint operations by Indian Army, 42 weapons, ammunition and other war-like stores have been recovered from ...
Imphal: Army in coordination with Manipur Police and other security forces recovered 42 weapons, ammunition and warlike stores from both hill and vall.
In a series of successful joint operations Indian Army in coordination with Manipur Police and other security forces ...
In a series of successful operations, the Indian Army, in collaboration with the Manipur Police and other security agencies, ...