Tweed New Haven’s growth skyrocketed from 50K to 600K passengers, while Bradley boasts 3.3M passengers in 2024.
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH) — Breeze Airways has added six additional nonstop destinations out of Tweed-New Haven Airport beginning on Thursday, officials with Breeze announced. The airline ...
Breeze Airways begins flights from Tweed New Haven Airport to six new destinations this week. The airline has been operating flights from Tweed since December. These new routes were announced then ...
Tweed New Haven nominated for Newsweek 'Readers' Choice' award for "Best Small Airport" in U.S.; airport's neighbors don't ...
As New Haven’s Tweed Airport seeks to expand following increasing air service from Avelo Airways and Breeze Airways, local residents are pointing out issues of traffic congestion and illegal parking.
Tweed New Haven Airport is on track to be named one of the best small airports in the country. The airport has been nominated in the Readers Choice Awards by Newsweek Magazine as one of the best small ...