Audrey Akande is best known for being one half of The Receipts podcast. She joins Namulanta in the studio to share the letter she’s written for her daughter. Audrey talks about the balance as a parent ...
With deep local roots, George Baur has helped Petaluma preserve its past. Now the community is showing its appreciation by ...
California's official rulemaking process is, to say the last, incredibly complex. In this second of a two-part Micheli Files, ...
The IRS allows deductions for the cost of a ransomware attack as a business expense, as long as you can provided receipts of the cyber attack.
Insurance company, Aiico has forecasted a Gross Written Premium (GWP) of ₦114.3 billion for the second quarter of 2025 from insurance revenue of ₦67.2b currently recorded.
The public is rallying behind a central Ohio Mexican restaurant after a customer left a hateful message instead of a tip.
Under Gov. Tim Walz, fiscal responsibility has left the building.
But cheating has evolved, and now there's no need for those shady essay-writing services where you have to plonk down real cash for an unscrupulous person to write 1,200 words on the fall of the ...
Don’t leave money on the table when you prepare your 2024 income taxes. We’re here to help you claim all the expenses you can ...
Some self-employed taxpayers can claim the deduction for business use of a home, but you must meet the requirements first.
After your delicious drink or meal, you’re likely going to get two receipts of your bill from your server: a merchant and a ...
The receipt, left Sunday at the Cazuela’s Mexican Cantina on East Broad Street, had “zero” written on the tip line, along ...