Within hours of taking office, President Donald Trump outlined in one of his many executive orders a mission to celebrate ...
President McKinley took the train to Niagara Falls on Sept. 6, 1901. He viewed the Niagara Gorge, crossed part-way over the Honeymoon Bridge (staying on the U.S. side of the border) and traveled over ...
Strangely, over a century, America’s two major political parties gradually reversed identities, like the magnetic poles of Planet Earth switching direction. When the Republican Party was ...
An America-First foreign policy, properly understood, is one that eschews imperial conquests. Reed knew this intuitively but ultimately lost the debate to McKinley, Roosevelt and their ...
The actor hosts a three-part documentary on FOX Nation about Yosemite National Park and a legendary camping trip there in 1903, when naturalist John Muir lobbied the president to better protect the ...
Donald J. Trump seems more aware of American might - and less afraid to use it - than any US president since the "Gilded Age" ...
W hy has Donald Trump become an ardent admirer of a predecessor most Americans know little or nothing about? “President McKinley made our country very rich through tariffs and t ...
During Bush’s first term, Rove seemed to have a good chance of achieving his goal. The president’s resolute response to the ...
William Howard Taft is the only person to serve as both U.S. president and Supreme Court Chief Justice during his career. The ...
President Donald Trump has thrust the 25th U.S. president (1897-1901) back into the spotlight, restoring his name to the ...