Discovered on accident in Rimini, Italy, this surgeon’s house and the hooks, scalpels, and mortars inside have expanded what ...
As cultural standards for bodies change, so to do the idealized ones we see on TV—and that includes our favorite superhero ...
Building on his earlier classic work, Evangelicals and Politics in Antebellum America, Carwardine observes that the Whigs, ...
The suddenness of Mount Vesuvius's eruption, has given us an incomparable look into Roman life 2,000 years ago.
Roman-Egyptian Individuals Had Their Color Portraits Done Before Being Mummified; They Were Advanced in Time General Pitt ...
Beyond the handful of memorial libraries, many other ancient Roman public libraries were great cultural centers, including ...
Dame Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall trilogy, which has been dubbed a 'landmark in historical fiction,' depicts the life of Thomas ...
Giving curious readers an accessible permission structure for their religious questing is a tough goal in its own right. Ross ...
From Bishop Robert Barron to Jordan Peterson, leaders at the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship conference in London call for a renewed sense of the sacred.
Tourism in the Blue-eyed country is not just about majestic castles, picturesque national parks, and cosy agro-estates.
There's an obvious starting point for Stephen Bradley’s gripe with the FAI and it’s called 40 years of frustration. If you ...
The heritage of Rome endured in medieval Hungary, shaping settlements, architecture, and identity in Pannonia.