Peter Lever, the former Lancashire and England fast bowler, has died after a short illness. He was 84. Lever took almost 1000 ...
If the family tries to split them themselves, they will end up with ashes all over with no way to, respectfully, get them ...
The bill would correct a flaw from previous legislation that lawmakers say has forced veterans' families to forgo a burial at ...
The Star-Telegram received the autopsy for a woman who died in the Tarrant County jail through an open records request to the ...
Dear Eric: My best friend from high school moved to town again and we’ve been hanging out more. Her sister-in-law asked me if ...
Dear Eric: I completely disagree with your answer to “Shared History,” who found 60-year-old letters from her deceased husband’s divorce lawyer regarding the husband’s first marriage and didn’t know ...
"If they take the urn to a licensed mortuary or crematory, a professional can handle it for them and spare them that trauma." ...
It is something no fire victim should have to face – digging through the charred remains of your burned out home, looking for the cremated remains of a loved one in the ashes of the destruction. But ...
Casilla was an aspiring rapper born and raised in Brooklyn. He was a graduate of FDR High School and his mother Yvette Ramos says he was a light in her life.
Police arrested an intoxicated Cleveland man March 8 after he misbehaved at Extra Space Storage on West 130th Street. Also, a ...
Jennifer, known on Instagram as @ourthriftyabode, was taken aback when she found a beautiful wooden box at a Goodwill store.
Dalkeith with Abdulahhi Tache claiming five respectable kilos must have valid bites for Paddy Migdoll's Tea Urn, 1,800m ...