People typically perform grounding outdoors by lying or walking on the ground or submerging themselves in water. However, grounding mats, sheets, or other equipment can also be used. Grounding ...
Rapper and TV host Jub Jub, real name Molemo Maarohanye, could not stop gushing over his son when sharing a clip of him kissing his white girlfriend. Jub Jub’s son, Christian, with Kelly Khumalo ...
Probiotics are friendly microorganisms that may help support healthy digestion and offer other benefits to your overall health. As additional research connects overall health to the health of the ...
“Basichazelile ukuthi bona ngokwabo bakwenze konke abebengakuzama, kodwa umzimba awusemukeli abebezame ukukwenza,” kusho uMnu Mfayela. Uthi babachazelile ukuthi sekuyoba wumzuzu nehora – nebala wafika ...
Umsebenzi we-ALA isivikela ezifweni zenhliziyo, ukusebenza nzulu kobuchopho kanye nokuvikela umzimba ezifweni ezingamahlalakhona njengesifo sikashukela nje. I-DHA yona isisiza ekukhuleni kobuchopho, ...