Apply for a Masters or postgraduate course. Start by finding the course you want to study and reading the information below. For most courses, you can apply direct through our Applicant Portal and ...
Jennifer Lott is a news anchor for WLOX News, but reporting is her passion. So in addition to sitting at the desk each night at 6 & 10pm, you may also see her out in the field covering stories.
Dr. Shannon Campbell is the Director of the Trent Lott National Center for Economic Development and Entrepreneurship at The University of Southern Mississippi. She is responsible for all facets of ...
The University of Southern Mississippi Trent Lott National Center lead a strategic planning process for the Families First of Mississippi. In 2017, Families First began expanding its service delivery ...
The University of Southern Mississippi Trent Lott National Center lead a strategic planning process for the city of Pearl. This planning process was a result of a new mayor sworn into office with the ...
Tasha May is the Operations Manager and Research Analyst for the Trent Lott National Center for Excellence in Economic Development and Entrepreneurship at The University of Southern Mississippi. Tasha ...
The University of Southern Mississippi Trent Lott Center measured the potential economic impact using IMPLAN software of building new structures for municipal offices and renovating two historical ...
Georgia Pacific Leaf River Cellulose, LLC requested The University of Southern Mississippi Trent Lott Center for Economic Development to conduct a study of its overall economic contributions to the 13 ...
To clearly identify the impact Ingalls has on the state, Ingalls’ Shipbuilding Office of Communications & Public Affairs commissioned The University of Southern Mississippi Trent Lott National Center ...
Established in March 2010, the Trent Lott National Center for Excellence in Economic Development and Entrepreneurship (TLNC) is the leader in economic development for the state of Mississippi and ...
This is an introductory course exposing participants to the fundamentals and practice of creating jobs, increasing wealth, improving the tax base and enhancing a community’s quality-of-life, and the ...
The Advanced Economic Development Leadership (AEDL) program seeks to help economic developers reimagine their role while providing leading-edge ways to think about and address challenges, and create ...