Kenneth Perry received three life sentences and 100 years in prison for the murders of John and Pamela Sumpter.
Recent research by scientists at the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT), Texas Tech University, and several other collaborating institutions have identified ancient fossils of a newly ...
In a new study published today in Science, researchers from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (RBG Kew), together with global ...
Genetic analyses and interviews with Indigenous farmers revealed that most manioc crops resemble each other across time and ...
"Sinkholes are most common in what geologists call, 'karst terrain'," the US Geological Survey explains. "These are regions ...
The Maine Irish Heritage Center helps people learn more about their ancestry through DNA testing and historic research.
We are all influenced in multiple ways by intergenerational factors, and knowing more about this can be informative and ...
This week’s 15th annual RootsTech 2025 convened significantly more attendees than last year, from virtually every country in ...
In IGG, a genetic genealogist takes a DNA sample, inputs it into an online database to get potential family matches and then builds out a family tree to find potential suspects. The databases ...
Upon taking the DNA test, Trinity was linked to a family tree that listed out over 15,000 ... of-two had relocated to Florida to start a new life as she had some family there, but the puzzling ...
Depending on your outlook, this could be a life-saving or life-shattering ... the world and start expanding your family tree. The Bio-Synergy DNA Testing Kit is another option for those with ...