There are also cheats for increasing/decreasing your Business Renown and setting your Business Alignment. Once you've enabled ...
To use The Sims 4 Interaction Cheats on PS4 or PS5, with testingCheats true already activated, hover the cursor over a Sim or an object, hold down Circle and then press X to bring up the ...
To shift-click on consoles, press X+O (PS4) or A+B (XBO) at the same time. sims.give_satisfaction_points X - replace X with the number of satisfaction points to give your Sim aspirations.complete ...
Expansion packs are usually £34.99 each. However, on CDKeys, a Businesses & Hobbies EA App code for PC can be purchased for ...
Businesses & Hobbies in this new trailer for the upcoming expansion pack, featuring two new hobbies to pursue: Tattooing and Pottery. Set up a new Tattoo or Pottery Studio or simply pursue your craft.
Get access to all Small Business Perk Points and earn Renown much faster with these cheat codes for The Sims 4 Businesses and ...
The Sims 4 took a major step back with one relationship type compared to earlier games in the popular franchise.
This guide will help players better understand the burglar NPC in The Sims 4 so they can properly handle the situation when they show up.
With The Sims 4 Businesses and Hobbies you can bestow your knowledge onto other sims through the whiteboard, so here's how to ...
With The Sims 4 Businesses and Hobbies you can finally make your own small business, so here are some tips to creating and ...