Many borrowers assume that once they take out a student loan, their balance will only decrease as they make payments. However ...
As House Republicans look for ways to slash spending to fund President Donald Trump’s tax cuts, they’ve floated proposals ...
If you've already received forgiveness, you're likely in the clear. But current borrowers may be running out of time.
Making student loan payments every month is a grind familiar to many, but that diligence can pay off for you on your tax ...
When it's time to start repaying your student loan, you are usually required to make at least a minimum payment each month. That payment will go towards both your principal balance and interest.
These developments may sound the alarm for student loan borrowers. But for now, there’s no need to make dramatic changes to ...
A new payment count tracker will appear on the right-side of ... Until then, it’s still largely business as usual for your student loans. Make personal financial decisions with the information in ...