Thirty three years ago Strangford Down was set up by a group of County Down farmers, encouraged by local department farm advisor Vincent Lusby, to market lamb and beef in a more effective way.
Rory started sailing at the age of seven and is now the Managing Director of Strangford Lough Activity Centre – a quirky, experiential adventure centre nestled in the rolling drumlins of County Down.
Rory started sailing at the age of seven and is now the Managing Director of Strangford Lough Activity Centre – a quirky, experiential adventure centre nestled in the rolling drumlins of Co Down.
A special needs teacher from Co Down who revived the forgotten ‘Tale o’ Daft Eddie an’ the Smugglers o’ Strangford Lough’ is ...
As always we were keen to find out where we were to lay our heads in Co. Down – so the news that ... in our possession we headed towards Strangford Lough and the village of Killyleagh in search ...