The abdominal aorta is a large artery in your belly that carries blood from the heart to the lower part of the body. In early fetal development, it forms from two smaller blood vessels, called the ...
The evidence supporting the efficacy of exercise therapy for patients with PAD dates back to 1966 when 6 months of unsupervised intermittent walking exercise was demonstrated to improve time walked to ...
Over time, this forms a hardened plaque (also known as atheroma), making your artery narrower. This process, known as atherosclerosis, gradually continues as more fatty material builds up. This can ...
What is a normal conduction pathway for the heart? The normal electrical conduction pathway of the heart starts at the top right of the heart in a part called the sinus node. The electrical current ...
The heart has a specialized electrical conduction system that starts in a group of cells called the sinus node. It is located in the right atrium, one of the heart's upper chambers. The sinus node ...
If a cold or upper respiratory infection lingers long enough, it may turn into a sinus infection known as sinusitis. Symptoms can include a runny nose and nasal congestion accompanied by pain ...
More tests showed that her left circumflex artery "had a 99% blockage." A piece of plaque that had built up in the artery had detached, blocking nearly all blood flow. "They told my family I was ...
Purpose: This study attempted to establish a combined diagnostic model encompassing visualization of the middle rectal artery (MRA) and other imaging features to improve the diagnostic efficiency of ...
This report describes a case of a GCT located intracranially, involving the pterygoid sinus, cavernous sinus, and basilar artery, as well as being encircled by the internal carotid artery. The ...
Previous studies have shown that melanoma cells arrive at a lymph node and first proliferate in the region at the edge of this organ, known as the subcapsular sinus, before moving to the center.
Medically reviewed by Rafle Fernandez, MD Deciding when to go to the hospital for a rapid heart depends on your health history and how you are feeling overall. A heart rate of 100 beats per minute ...