NPR's Scott Simon asks Karen Russell about her new book, "The Antidote." It's an eerie novel set in the era of Dustbowl droughts.
The World Bank’s new mission is to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity on a livable planet. The "Poverty, Prosperity, and Planet. Pathways Out of the Polycrisis" report evaluates progress ...
The attacks on foreign assistance & USAID are already having life or death consequences for millions of people globally, cutting off critical food, water, medicine, sanitation, and more.
The second thing is that the number doesn't tell us anything about, are you earning a living wage? So if you're earning even a poverty wage or below a poverty wage, you're still counted as employed.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic traveled to Bosnia and Herzegovina to support Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik after he was sentenced to a one-year prison term Wednesday. In a ruling, a ...
The share of New Yorkers in poverty is nearly double the national average, according to a report from Columbia University and an anti-poverty group. By Benjamin Oreskes Benjamin Oreskes reported ...
Some 700 million people around the globe live in extreme poverty, defined by the World Bank as living on less than $2.15 per day. Ending that poverty, one of the United Nations’ Sustainable ...
"The absence of key officials at the G20 finance meetings further underscores the diminishing commitment to global poverty reduction at a time when it's needed most," said Dirk Willem te Velde ...
Prior research has pointed to the fundamental economic challenges of entrepreneurship in the context of poverty. Cultural and institutional factors also play a role. Researchers have argued ...
The poverty line is established to determine the minimum income a person or household requires to fulfill their basic needs. However, that amount, the income necessary to satisfy one’s basic ...
Millions of people would be pushed into, or deeper into, poverty under Republican proposals that Congress could consider this year. A range of spending cuts and other proposals that House Republicans ...