AdministraÈ›ia Trump va plasa majoritatea angajaÈ›ilor AgenÈ›iei SUA pentru Dezvoltare InternaÈ›ională în concediu administrativ duminică seara È™i va începe concedierea a cel puÈ›in 1.600 dintre aceÈ™tia, ...
Britons on a budget have been in for a treat this month as new Lidl supermarkets open their doors across the country. The German retail giant says nine ‘state-of-the-art stores’ will have ...
Lidl is claiming to be the first supermarket to sell through TikTok Shop, with the launch of high-protein products for gym fans. From 9am on Thursday (20 February), 3,000 product bundles, which Lidl ...
Lidl is set to become the first supermarket to sell directly through TikTok Shop, launching 3,000 exclusive high-protein product bundles on the platform starting at 9am on 20 February. The bundles ...
Lidl Ireland is planning a €600m investment in 35 new stores and a new Regional Distribution Centre over the next five years. The strategy includes €200m investment for a new regional ...
Lidl will open its newest and biggest ever store in Northern Ireland later this month. The new store opens at Riverside Retail Park in Coleraine on Thursday, 27 February as the retailer relocates ...
Lidl is making a huge change at its checkouts from February as it introduces a new digital micro-donation system for shoppers. As of this month, Lidl shoppers will be asked if they want to donate ... a investit 1 milion de euro pentru amenajarea unui data center care să facă posibilă atingerea obiectivelor tehnologice asumate pentru dezvoltarea proiectului. Prin dezvoltarea platformei ...
Fresh from a nomination for BBC Folk Awards Musician of the Year and off the back of the busiest world tour of a successful career, Dan Walsh returns for a third trip to New Zealand to promote his ...