Ukrainian forces have pulled almost entirely out of the Kursk region of Russia, ending an offensive that had stunned the ...
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine on Saturday accused President Vladimir Putin of Russia of trying to surround Ukraine ...
Vladimir Putin has gifted dozens of animals, including a lion and two bears, to a North Korean zoo as a gesture of gratitude ...
Michigan House introduces nine bills to restrict foreign influence in land ownership, security, public institutions, ...
The United States will begin enforcing a visitor registration law for Canadians who enter the U.S. via land borders, the New ...
Russia has pledged to donate eagles, pythons, parrots and fruit bats to Pyongyang's zoo. With this generous 'animal donation' ...
As President Donald Trump seeks to end wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, his approach to both seems to boil down to giving ...
Members of a local branch of Vladimir Putin's United Russia party gave gifts to mothers of dead soldiers for International ...
The Russian government gifted the mothers of those killed in the Russia-Ukraine war flowers and meat grinders in a seemingly ...
But how viable a partner is Vladimir Putin’s Russia, its economy weakened by years of Western sanctions, its population falling and the prospect of aggressive state intervention rarely far away?
North Korea is providing Russia with half of the ammunition used by Moscow against Ukraine, the head of Kyiv's military intelligence agency said on Sunday. "They heavily rely on — well ...
Russian Prez Vladimir Putin was presented with a sword and shield to mark the 3rd anniversary of Russia-Ukraine war. President Putin launched an attack on Ukraine on Feb 23, 2022 triggering Europe’s ...