Active travel schemes are ‘squeezing out’ motorists so cycle lanes can be installed, a politician has claimed.
Municipal election results were shared, amendments to the town's Solar Energy Systems were tabled to allow more research and ...
Nacogdoches City Council on Tuesday granted a zone change that will allow construction of townhomes near Seale and Reedy streets.
(WGTD)---WGTD will be hosting a forum Thursday evening for candidates running for a seat on the Racine City Council. There ...
The Round Hill Town Council is looking for a new member following the resignation of Dan Brzezynski announced Wednesday night ...
A by-election will be held in Rochdale following the resignation of a councillor. The Heywood and Middleton North MP Elsie ...
Southampton Town voters have returned former Republican Councilman Rick Martel to the Southampton Town Board to fill the seat ...
The plan to chip seal two gravel roads in the municipality was approved at Tuesday's often contentious town board meeting.