The massive annual spring migration of America's birds – millions of them – is underway. Here's how to follow along at home.
They will endure our spring blizzards and dust storms because there is safety in numbers, and they will be back in the fall, heading south, because it is what they do. If you never have, the migration ...
A rising number of of great-horned owls, bald eagles and red-tailed hawks have been dying from the Avian (Bird) Flu, and ...
Grey squirrels can cause chaos in gardens, decimate bird populations, and even damage homes by taking over attic spaces, ...
A coalition of nonprofit and government agencies have found ways to protect and increase the American oystercatcher ...
So, how do you know if a bird may have the flu? Symptoms include a lack of coordination, being unable to fly, and respiratory ...
State of the Birds Report highlights the urgent need for conservation as North American bird populations continue to fall.
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Other birds, of course, are singing in March, for example, the American robin, but it seems they are more often vocal at dawn ...
Purple martins are returning from South America. The first "scouts" have been spotted in Michigan. What to know.
“People tend to have an unconscious bias towards male birds, and that’s often because they’re brighter and easier to identify ...
Red-shouldered hawks are gorgeous medium-sized, solid birds, smaller than a red-tailed but bigger than a broad-winged hawk.