An algorithm inspired by quantum computers but used on classical machines can make weather forecasts and other turbulence ...
The famous second law of thermodynamics says that the world gets more and more disordered when random chance is at play. Or, ...
The world of quantum physics is experiencing a second revolution, which will drive an exponential leap in the progress of computing, the internet, telecommunications, cybersecurity and biomedicine.
Yet, quantum mechanics is far from complete. Despite its success in explaining a wide range of phenomena, questions remain.
Scientists at UNSW Sydney have achieved a major milestone in quantum technology by creating a real-life version of the famous ...
Once confined to the province of abstract theory, quantum computing seeks to use operations based on quantum mechanics to ...
Did you know that animals might be using quantum physics to navigate their world? From birds sensing Earth's magnetic fields to fish detecting tiny changes in water, this mind-blowing phenomenon is ...
The university-sponsored facility aims to foster applications for everything from medicine to information science and national defense.
Quantum computers will create extraordinary opportunities for those organisations and nations able to develop and take advantage of them.
Being free of any licensing fees, QuTiP is ideal for exploring quantum mechanics in research as well as in the classroom. We are proud to be affiliated with Unitary Fund and numFOCUS. We are grateful ...