She called me and said, ‘Oh my God, I’m so happy I can finally go on vacation.’” As any phytophile knows, you can’t jet off for weeks and leave your houseplants to their own devices. Fortunately, many ...
The tricky part of caring for any houseplant is watering just the right amount, not over or under. Follow three easy steps ...
The current houseplant boom has everyone buying plants. As the houseplant industry has grown, the decorative planters ...
If you have a jade plant that you'd like to repot, there are a few steps you can follow for success. Here's the best way to ...
In our area, the time to prepare beds for planting ferns is in the spring since all but the hardiest species die back in our ...
Grows well under fluorescent lighting without natural sunlight. It also grows without a pot or soil. You can even glue one to ...
A single-engine airplane with five people on board crashed Sunday in a parking lot near a small airport in suburban ...
Drip saucers are ineffective and can leave marks on your furniture, use this handy trick to keep your houseplants tidy ...
It's easy to get wrapped up in making sure your houseplants have the proper lighting conditions, good soil quality, and ...