A poem of praise for those who don’t belong ... How to breathe. Write about things that are out of order. Broken vending machines. Raging defense attorneys. This border. This country.
Indiana author Rebecca Kai Dotlich writes about how a childhood spent collecting lyrics and words sparked her love of poetry.
Poems are a fun way to help us think about things like plastic waste. Poets use rhyming and alliteration to catch our attention when we read or hear a poem. To dump it and hide it seems very wrong.
Beatriz Fernandez was the first person to submit a Zip Ode in 2015, about her neighborhood. This year marks the tenth ...
What's important in poetry is the language you use to describe your subject. To create vivid descriptions of what you're writing about, you can use similes, comparing things using like and as.
The growth beneath the crust of death. Through his poetry, with his poetry, Frost thought about symbols a lot. Were things as they merely appeared, or were they representative of something else ...