The local subsidiary of US oil and gas giant ExxonMobil plans to finish drilling five wells in the Banyu Urip Field for a ...
Aging and abandoned oil wells in West Texas are causing significant environmental damage, public health risks, and financial ...
This analysis examines declining fragmentation impacts from oil and gas development in Wyoming over the last 20 years due to ...
U.S. shale needs much higher oil prices than $50 per barrel, and even higher than the current WTI Crude price in the high ...
The rapidly-growing sinkhole in Upton County is the latest of many problems caused by old wells in the Permian Basin.
Akakus Oil Company has announced the completion of drilling well D-42, achieving an initial production rate of 1,480 barrels ...
When you click on “Accept all”, you consent to ads on this site being customized to a personal profile we or our advertising ...
A sinkhole around an old oil well is growing at an alarming rate on the Kelton Ranch in West Texas. Radford Grocery #17 was ...
Brazilian independent Prio has started drilling a first development well at the Wahoo pre-salt field in the country’s Campos ...
Lawmakers filed bill to ban oil drilling within 10 miles of Apalachicola Bay, aiming to protect vital ecosystem.
Artificial intelligence is speeding up oil and gas drilling and prompting companies to take a second look at places they had ...
According to the status report on the oil and gas developments in Uganda, the drilling is still on schedule and the remaining 63 oil wells are expected to be drilled on time.The report indicates that ...