Grow a salt-tolerant, oil-seed, multi-use crop on saline land or dry land that can be irrigated with brackish water or seawater, thus freeing fresh water and high quality soil for food and feed and ...
China raised its annual grain production target on Wednesday to around 700 million metric tons and expanded its agriculture ...
Brazil expects in 2010 the second largest grain and oil seed crop in history, closely linked to the success of soy beans, totalling 140 million tons, according to the latest release from the ...
A National Workshop cum Field Day on “Revitalising Oilseed Production in the NEH Region through Sustainable Technological ...
The local edible oil industry has called for fostering the cultivation of oilseed crops such as canola, sunflower, mustard, soybean, and others, alongside adopting innovative practices.
Damage from pigeons has been widespread in oilseed rape, with crops being decimated in some of the worst attacks in years.
PARIS: The European Union is still on track for a rebound in oilseed production this year as rapeseed crop conditions remain favourable, Strategie Grains said on Friday as it kept monthly harvest ...
Strategie Grains, which kept its monthly harvest predictions almost the same on Friday, said that the European Union remains on ...