The Ohio Department of Transportation is touting the success of their wrong way detectors along I-71 and I-90 in Cleveland.
Spring is almost here, and Columbus' seemingly endless construction season is about to move into a higher gear. As a sign of ...
And more is expected this week. So how are the roads? Here's how it's looking through the Ohio Department of Transportation's ...
The Ohio Department of Transportation says lane closures will ... ODOT says the work is part of a "systematic sign replacement project" in Hamilton County. The company behind the work, Lake ...
As you drive around the highways and byways of the county, you may have noticed small blue and white signs. These signs ...
CONNEAUT — The city is reaching out to the Ohio Department of Transportation for help making the Interstate 90 and Route 7 interchange safer. The city is interested in adding traffic lights at ...
No one knows that more than the Ohio Department of Transportation. After a small break, the number of ODOT plow strikes has jumped. Just this past week, 18 plows were hit by vehicles statewide ...
JEFFERSON COUNTY, Ohio — A major step forward has been taken by the Ohio Department of Transportation for the rockfall remediation project happening on Ohio 7 with blasting work being completed ...
Euclid City Council has approved an emergency ordinance to partner with the Ohio Department of Transportation to address safety concerns for pedestrians along U.S. Route 20. In the past, residents ...
And more is expected this week. So how are the roads? Here's how it's looking through the Ohio Department of Transportation's traffic cameras. Peering through ODOT's traffic cameras via OHGO ...