Hokejisti Dallasu zvíťazili v noci na sobotu v zámorskej NHL nad Los Angeles Kings 6:2. V drese Stars sa blysol štyrmi asistenciami fínsky útočník ...
Počas Turnaja 4 krajín mali v zámorí zvyšní hokejisti voľno. Na oddych a dovolenku v teple ho využil aj Juraj Slafkovský. Už však naplno zarezáva opäť v Montreale a hoci na turnaji nie je, pozorne ho ...
Jednou asistenciou prispel k výhre jeho krajan Dávid Mudrák. Juraj Slafkovský sa dnes v noci podieľal asistenciou na víťazstve Montrealu nad San Jose 4:3 po predĺžení a bodoval už vo štvrtom zápase za ...
Credit: The four-nation showdown is attracting a lot of attention in the NHL. It even reached Juraj Slafkovsky while he was on vacation in the south. Like almost everyone, he didn’t expect so much ...
Credit: The 4 Nations Tournament ends on Thursday. You know what that means? It means the Canadian is back in training. The players have enjoyed a week off and now the guys are back in Brossard. There ...
The 4 Nations Tournament ends on Thursday. You know what that means? It means the Canadian is back in training. The players have enjoyed a week off and now the guys are back in Brossard.
Zibanejad (illness) won't play in Team Sweden's 4 Nations Face-Off matchup against the USA on Monday, per Elliotte Friedman of Sportsnet. Zibanejad, along with Rickard Rakell, is dealing with the flu.
With Team USA and Canada set to face off against one another in the 4 Nations Face-Off Championship, that leaves Finland and Sweden finished with their play in the international tournament ...
Mika Zibanejad has been the story of the New York Rangers underperformers for a while now, but his Four Nations tournament is interesting. Mika only played two games, as he dealt with the flu in ...
Would the New York Rangers bring up Mika Zibanejad‘s NMC this offseason? Vince Z. Mercogliano of Lohud: New York Rangers GM Chris Drury will continue to look to reshape his roster. Mika ...
Erik Černák strelil gól v súboji Slovákov, Juraj Slafkovský predĺžil bodovú sériu Slovenský hokejový obranca Erik Černák strelil v nočnom zápase NHL svoj tretí gól v sezóne, ktorým prispel k triumfu ...
Would the New York Rangers bring up Mika Zibanejad‘s NMC this offseason? Vince Z. Mercogliano of Lohud: New York Rangers GM Chris Drury will continue to look to reshape his roster. Mika Zibanejad has ...