Methods Three hundred and eighty-one subjects (mean age 25±5 years, range 18 to 39 years; 61% men) underwent cardiac MRI and ECG: 114 healthy non-athletes (≤3 training h/week) and 267 healthy elite ...
09{at} Objective Cortical grey matter lesions are common in multiple sclerosis (MS), but usually not seen on MRI. The authors compared the performance of double inversion recovery (DIR, ...
The ability to recover MRI signal from noise is key to achieve fast acquisition, accurate quantification, and high image quality. Past work has shown convolutional neural networks can be used with ...
Philips integrates advanced AI algorithms into its MRI systems, featuring Dual AI-driven engines in SmartSpeed Precise [1] to enable faster scanning Innovations include the latest AI-enabled MR ...
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