If you're looking to pick up some new outdoor gear or apparel for less, the REI sale section can't be beat. Here are the best ...
We tested the best winter hiking boots from KEEN, Oboz, Salomon, Lowa, and more to help you find the best option for your ...
Much like the best lightweight hiking boots and shoes, they use technical features to give that locked-in feel – clever lace ...
Adding insult to injury, it’s theorized that bunions are an entirely genetic affliction — meaning for some, avoiding high ...
These soft and insulating camping slippers strike an even balance between comfort and underfoot protection, with a cozy body ...
Here’s how it works. We all know how important it is to wear a good pair of running shoes to avoid injury, feel comfortable, and perform at our best. But with so many options out there ...
US President Donald Trump's business partner, Gentry Beach, has expressed interest in investing in mineral and gas exploration in Bangladesh. He conveyed his interest during a meeting with political ...
Our editor's pick of the best gifts for fitness fans: whether you want a gym-related gift for her, a yoga gift for him or exercise gadgets for Valentine's Day ...
Other mattress pads merely provide a layer between you and your bed, but protectors made with waterproof material are necessary to prevent stains or voiding your mattress warranty. I put several ...
As a starting point, you should look for boots that are “waterproof, insulated, and have a good, aggressive sole,” says Marty Molitoris, founder and director of Alpine Endeavors.
But don’t start plonking your electronic devices into puddles thinking they’re fully waterproof. Smartphones, tablets, laptops and more all come with certain ratings. Some will be able to withstand ...