President of the National Assembly Ana Brnabic said today that the chaos, which the opposition created in the Assembly on March 4, happened in order to prevent the adoption of a law that reduces ...
The counting of the ballots cast in the elections for the Assembly of the provisional institutions in Pristina, held on February 9, was completed last night at the Center for Counting and Results in ...
Aleksandar Vučić began his speech by emphasizing that today is a difficult day for Republika Srpska and Serbia. "Today, a first-instance verdict was handed down in a strange and senseless ...
Ivan Penava, čiji je DP sa svojih osam ruku, među kojima je i Dabrina, ključan faktor za održavanje parlamentarne većine, na glasovanje nije došao Zahtjev Državnog odvjetništva da se Josipu Dabri ...
It is assumed that the former mayor of Niš arrived from Greece, where, according to unofficial information, she owns a house. As a reminder, in the continuation of the anti-corruption operation ...