John Palmer chose to pre-pay for his own funeral after his beloved wife passed away, to ensure his last wishes would see his ashes will lie beside his soul mate for eternity.
The Irish mammy. She's an endless source of wisdom, isn't she? She always has an answer for everything. And a patron saint ...
Patrick Kielty said his late mother, Mary Kielty, whose funeral was held at the Church of the Sacred Heart in Dundrum this ...
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Christian Rasmussen, known affectionately as the ‘Danish Paddy’ died after the motorbike he was riding collided with a car on ...
TRIBUTES are been paid to two Irish workers who were killed in a collision in the UK last month. Barry O’Connell, 50, from ...
A POPULAR Irish pub has paid a heartbreaking tribute to their head chef after his sudden passing. The death of Nicky Cullen ...
A copy of the Sunday Times, a cookery book she once gave a friend, and a picture of her family were brought to the altar ...
O'Sullivan, who died from injuries sustained earlier this month, "made a lasting impression on everyone and won the hearts of ...