Staffer Larry Miller will take over as Greenville Tech's third president in its 63-year history once current president, Keith ...
Some airlines are offering combined 'air and rail' tickets which allow passengers to head to destinations across Europe, ...
The planned rededication of Villa Igls, once a renowned castle hotel and later the residence of the now-imprisoned real ...
The sons of women who smoke while pregnant experience more long-lasting side effects than their daughters, according to a new ...
Professor of Astroparticle Physics PhD (Dr.rer.nat.) 1997, Technical University of Munich ...
Booking a train ticket through your airline can take all the hassle out of onward travel, and will ensure you’re protected ...
After the major day of fighting at 13 German airports, the airlines affected - including AUA - are aiming for a rapid normalization of air traffic on ...
Flights between Austria and Germany are facing major cancellations as a 24-hour strike by German airport staff affects ...
A day-long warning strike at the most important German airports will not only bring air traffic in Germany to a standstill but will also have a ...
A day-long warning strike at eleven German airports on Monday will cause massive problems not only in Germany itself, but ...
The latest addition to the list of amenities available to athletes at the bobsled and skeleton world championships is a room ...
Studies suggest types of fasting can lead to moderate weight loss and other health benefits in overweight and obese people, ...