Wooo! Wooo!” That’s so hilarious, but hey, the mystery was solved—Nancy’s alter ego was Princess Imani from the classic film ‘Coming to America.’ See more of her look below.
A cautionary landing had to be made after a United Airlines plane leaving from General Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport reported smoke was coming from inside the aircraft.
Dublin Zoo's newest arrival Imani the Hippo is "settling in beautifully" and zookeepers are "thrilled with her progress". Imani distinctive pink front feet and her eyesight is affected by cataracts.
Emily Shepperson, exhibition and interpretation officer at the Suffolk Archives, said: "A lot of emigration leads back to the [British] Empire, and we've obviously been talking about that a lot ...
Emily Shepperson said the displays showed the personal achievements and challenges of the emigrants An exhibition that focuses on the historical stories of people who left a county to emigrate ...