Plans to transform a Listed Huddersfield town centre building into new housing are awaiting a decision from Kirklees Council.
A multifamily housing incentive program will save one developer $4.9 million in taxes and fees to get the project off the ...
Quinte West city council agreed Wednesday to apply for federal funding for its proposed Trenton Wastewater Treatment Plant ...
The Santa Barbara County Planning Commission has denied an appeal related to a controversial Orcutt development’s proposed ...
Will even one mayoral appointed Planning Commission member stand up to a big (and troubled) landlord on a project that has no ...
Lawmakers, who are preempting locals on lot sizes in new subdivisions, have been eyeing ways to allow more homes to be built ...
The Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) of Washington has introduced two new financial assistance programs.
Preliminary plans for a seven-story mixed-use building on the 900 block of Pacific Avenue in downtown Santa Cruz were discussed by city planning staff and the project's architect at an online ...
Paso Robles Housing Authority celebrated the grand opening of Sunrise Villas a new affordable apartment complex.
Continued Temporary Rental Assistance may be available for those who qualify.
ANN ARBOR, MI — The next phase of an Avalon Housing affordable apartment complex is now approved for development on Ann Arbor ...
A proposal to redevelop a Lyon Park church as affordable housing for LGBTQ+ seniors continues to get pushback from some ...