A supportive housing project in Richmond, B.C., will be built in its original location after it was paused by the province for months over an ostensible lack of public consultation.
After a contentious debate pitting landlords against renters — and councilmembers against each other — a post-fire eviction proposal didn’t secure enough votes to pass.
What stood out: The visibility of homelessness varies widely across neighborhoods and even block to block. But responses in ...
While our readers had varying thoughts on how homelessness is affecting specific neighborhoods across L.A., a majority of the ...
A new report on homelessness across Ontario says the problem is getting worse while spending to address it has “stagnated," ...
We have seen a dramatic increase in housing insecurity among our pro bono clients in recent years. Unfortunately, it’s part ...
The new government in Ireland (which looks remarkably like the last one) faces a housing crisis that has become an economic ...
VA employees who work on the Veterans Crisis Line (VCL) say the hiring freeze has affected the hiring of support staff.