HH Heinrich Himmler, die Saat der Vernichtung ist das Theaterstück aus der „Trilogie des Bösen“ von Antonio Masullo (Argento ...
Seeds of Extermination is the theatrical play from the 'Trilogy of Evil' by Antonio Masullo (Argento Vivo Edizioni) that will be staged on February 28 at 8:00 PM at ...
Belgian writer Caroline De Mulder, in a fascinating and terrifying work, describes the workings of the Lebensborn households ...
President Trump's proposal for a mass relocation of Palestinians away from Gaza recalls Nazi Germany's "Madagascar Plan." ...
Seit bald zwei Wochen protestieren in Deutschland die «Anständigen» und «Rechtschaffenen» gegen rechts. Solche Moralbegriffe ...
On this day in 1936, Nazi Germany's Reichstag (one-party parliament) passed a law giving the Gestapo absolute authority to ...