Users drew comparisons between the May 1938 photo and pictures of U.S. President Donald Trump supporting campaign donor Elon ...
The man who claimed to be the last living relative of Adolf Hitler in Germany is dead. Records uncovered by Bild show Romano-Lukas Hitler, who claimed to be the nephew of the Nazi Führer ...
On March 23, the Reichstag delegates met across the street from the burned ruins of the Reichstag in the Kroll Opera House.
Vor 80 Jahren brach für viele Deutsche eine Welt zusammen: Die Alliierten hatten Deutschland besiegt. Der Zweite Weltkrieg war vorbei und mit ihm die zwölf Jahre währende Herrschaft der Nationalsozial ...
Despite being little more than the answer to trivia questions today, Vaughn Meader was a pioneer who paved the way for ...
When Andre François-Poncet, former French Ambassador to Germany and now to Italy, went to the Bavarian Alps last October to take leave of Führer Adolf Hitler, he thought he was expected at the ...
Every family has a rotten relative, a black sheep, the one relation you avoid above all others. Even Adolf Hitler.
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"Yes, the personification of Evil had a relative he couldn’t stand. And that relative was an American," writes J. Mark Powell in Holy Cow! History.
Elon Musk has reposted a tweet suggesting that Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong were not responsible for murdering ...
Rudolf Hess was a leading member of the Nazi Party and Deputy Führer to Adolf Hitler. But in 1941 he did something so ...