The creature suffered a bout of health issues and stopped eating jellyfish when the aquarium it called home in Japan shut ...
Smaller fish species are more nutritious, lower in mercury and less susceptible to overfishing, a Cornell-led research team ...
A SUNFISH that was literally dying of loneliness has been saved with a group of cardboard cutouts friends keeping it company.
The ‘sociable’ fish’s unusual behaviour during the temporary closure of the aquarium prompted the unorthodox intervention by ...
A moonfish at an aquarium in Osaka became sick with loneliness when there were no more visitors. The staff's solution: they hung jackets with cardboard faces on the panes.
How do you perk up a lonely fish? This may sound like the start of a particularly silly joke, but it was a very real ...
The 2024 fundraiser helped raise $30,495, but seven environmental nonprofits' wishes weren't fulfilled. Here's how you can ...
Staff members believe the sunfish stopped eating when the aquarium was temporarily closed because it was lonely.