In today's generation, Raising a kid is a task. And it is nearly impossible to raise a child without a tablet or phone to ...
Research suggests excessive screen time can have negative effects on children’s development, raising concerns for future ...
Too much screen use can lead to a child having issues with sustained attention. Tasks like homework may become a challenge to ...
A collaboration of researchers from 20 nations has found that toddlers exceed recommended screen time limits, with television ...
Anyone invested in the healthy and holistic development of children is constantly navigating a sea of conflicting information ...
In today’s world, children are constantly surrounded by screens such as TVs, tablets and smartphones, making screen time an ...
Experts warn against excessive screen time for young children, emphasizing the importance of human interaction and ...
You can get in touch with Jack by emailing [email protected] A dad who made his children ditch their ... footage of the results. Excessive screen time is a source of some concern to parents ...
Brain rot is the mental exhaustion from too much mindless content. It makes focusing hard and traps your brain in a cycle of distractions ...
Growing up as ‘digital natives’, children today spend more time on screens than any previous generation. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends no screen time for babies under two ...